Friday, July 30, 2010

Success Principles For Accomplishing More in Less Time

This articles is the first in a series of articles called "The 12 Success Principles". As you read through these, identify the principles that resonate with you and prioritize putting in play the suggested Action Steps. Some of these action steps are one time activities while others are meant to be practiced consistently over a period of time. For the ongoing Action Steps that require daily or weekly activity, you may want to make a note in your calendar for several instances, until these become newly formed habits. Go ahead, take the plunge!

Here's to your success!

When you think about Success, what do you think about? There is a saying, "what you think about, your bring about". Are you focusing your thoughts on the things you are wanting to create in your life or is your focus more on your challenges and difficulties? What would happen if you took the next 90 days to create new habits and allow more success into your life?

"The greatest success in life is usually attained by simple means and the exercise of ordinary qualities. These qualities for the most part can be summed up in these words: common sense and persistence". - William Feather"90 Days will come an go, where will you be"? - D'vorah Lansky

Action Step

Get yourself a dedicated notebook or journal to accompany you through this journey through the 12 Success Principles for Achieving Your Dreams by Accomplishing More in Less Time.

At the end of each day:

  • List three things that you did well.
  • List three things that you are grateful for.
  • List one new thing that you learned. (My mother taught me from an early age, if you haven't learned something new on any given day, open up the dictionary and learn

    a new word!)
What you focus on gets bigger, so focus on the positive and what you are doing right and what you can do to take your life and your dreams to the next level.

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